Beschreibung Zombie head cookie jar
Brrraaaiiinnns..... Huuunngggrrryyy... Braaaiiinns....
No, Zombie, you're wrong! There's no brain in this head, the Zombie head cookie jar is actually for-
Braaaiiinns... (drooling sound)
No, little zombie, COOKIES! They are much tastier than brains! - But you're right, among us humans there are some who start drooling at the sight of cookies and stagger towards them like brain-dead zombies to munch them down crumb by crumb. Cookies are just too delicious... As for the nutritional quality of brains versus cookies, we might need to do some more research. Something tells us, though, that the cookies from this jar can definitely be considered brain food ;)
Brain coooookie....?
Chocolate brains - no, wait, chocolate cookies (and other varieties) stay fresh and delicious much longer in this ceramic zombie head than in real, mushy zombie heads, which often emit a rather unpleasant aroma. During a zombie apocalypse, for example, you need lots of fresh cookies to get by! So we have only one thing left to say: Bon appétit!