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Save our sweets: Box worth €10 for just €0.95.
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Winter Loot Drop

€39,95 EUR
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • Six items for the cold season in a heavily discounted surprise box
  • Compared to the individual price of the items, you save 51%
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Beschreibung Winter Loot Drop

Although winter (hopefully) does not bring us walking dead and months of ice and snow, it is still uncomfortable and cold. If the mere thought of the dark season puts you in a gloomy mood, we might be able to cheer you up a bit with this Winter Surprise Box! These six items not only warm you up, but they are also 51% off compared to the individual price. It's almost like celebrating Christmas twice!
You can find more reduced bundles of this kind on all possible themes from nerdy to useful in our bargain corner, where there are always great offers.
Please note that the composition of the boxes is fixed per theme – so if you order two boxes on the same theme, you will receive all items twice. Some items are also former Lootbox items.

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