Beschreibung TV-B-Gone Kit
Surely you know the TV-B-Gone or the TV Off Switch from our shop. Both tools can turn off almost all televisions at the push of a button. This way, you can quickly and discreetly create peace when a TV is annoying somewhere again.
The advantages are obvious - however, turning it off will be twice as much fun if you have built the practical device yourself!
That's why we also offer the TV-B-Gone Kit.
For assembling the 20-piece set, you will of course need some time as well as a soldering iron, solder, a multimeter, and a pair of pliers.
With this equipment and the instructions from the developer of TV-B-Gone, the crafting fun can begin!
The assembled TV-B-Gone is much stronger than the usual, already finished version: The range is more than 40 meters!
Annoying TVs are now a thing of the past - thanks to a tool that you built yourself with the TV-B-Gone Kit!