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The Walking Dead Glass Daryl Dixon

€9,95 EUR
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • All-around printed drinking glass in "The Walking Dead" design
  • Shows Daryl Dixon from the successful zombie series
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Description The Walking Dead Glass Daryl Dixon

In the post-apocalyptic world of the cult series The Walking Dead, there is no shortage of shuffling undead, but there is a shortage of all kinds of food. It is understandable that very few people would want to live in the world of Rick, Daryl, and Co. However, with the “The Walking Dead” glass “Daryl Dixon”, you can at least bring a part of the successful series into your safe and hopefully not zombie-overrun home. ;)

Technical info
Capacity: 400ml
Material: Glass
Care instructions: not dishwasher safe
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