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T-Rex hates Push-ups

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Description T-Rex hates Push-ups

Oh yes, the whims of evolution. In the animal kingdom, there are quite a few strange creatures like the proboscis monkey, the platypus, or the tarsier. But long before these species even existed, some beings had to live with the bad hand that evolution dealt them. Chief among them is the Tyrannosaurus Rex. While the name and its cameos in Hollywood films suggest that the king of the dinosaurs is a fearsome monster that cannot be stopped by anything or anyone.

As the "T-Rex hates push-ups"-Shirt shows, the reality is quite different. Due to its extremely short arms, the oh-so-dangerous predator is unable to perform everyday tasks. Push-ups, tying shoelaces, scratching its back - all things the T-Rex has to do without. But who needs push-ups anyway? We believe that all dinosaurs are beautiful and the beauty standards of the Late Cretaceous should not stop the Tyrannosaurus from living the way it wants!

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